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Election of Board Members

board room secrets

Selecting board members is a crucial method of enhancing and strengthening an organization. Having a formal process for nominations and elections helps prevent problems and maintains fidelity to the bylaws. When the chair or the president chooses a new member to be a member, this process bypasses the scrutinization of the selection process for committees and can create dissension between other members nominated by the committee.

It is vital that the committee scrutinizes the membership list and identifies candidates who are a good match for your company’s needs. The ideal scenario is for the committee to discuss candidates and compare notes. If the committee can’t find a candidate for a particular post, it’s a good idea to leave the seat open and allow members to nominate their own names.

Once the committee has a final list of candidates, they may organize an election. The most commonly used method to vote is via voice vote. The chair will ask for a yes or no vote on each candidate, in order. The first candidate who gets an overwhelming majority of ayes wins.

Other methods for determining the board members include written ballot, roll call, and cumulative voting. It is important to count the votes accurately regardless of the method used. If a member is concerned that the vote counters don’t adhere to proper procedures or was an error in counting votes, they should raise their hands and notify the officers who are in charge of the count of votes of their concerns.

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